Thursday, October 17, 2013

Misty Mountain Hop

There is a thick shroud of mist over the hills this morning.  It's beautiful, enough to make you never leave Morehead, and if you did, it'd make you long to come back.  Like the Shire for Hobbits, I guess.

But there is also a cold drizzle.  It feels dense, but the raindrops are really small.  Thin,  Like razors.

It was kind of like that yesterday and I confess that I did not notice if there was a mist on the mountains.  It seemed that people were struggling.  That is, if you were already under some stress, the weather wasn't helping.  A loved one is sick.  A loved one has died.  Serious decisions about the future.  Stuff we all deal with had an edge to it because of the weather.

I got a chance to visit and pray with some people.. some I knew, some strangers on the street.

You my wonder, "how do you just walk up to somebody?"  Long and the short of it, practice a discipline that maybe can only be called looking for Zaccheus.  I never had a name for this before.  Neil Cole talks about it in his book Cultivating a Life For God.  And online I saw where someone posted that we see a faceless crowd, Jesus sees Zaccheus.

Be on the lookout.  Don't let people fade into the crowd.  And look, it's not like I am good at this.  I mean, I get frustrated in line at Kroger and won't reach out to people... maybe if we just start looking around.  Or maybe when you see a grandfather with a cute kid?  You know you can talk to him about his boy!

You may wonder, "what do you say if someone is going through a hard time?"  So let's say a conversation has started.  Maybe you didn't look for it, it came to you.  And you find some sadness, some confusion, some weariness.  How to bring the Gospel, the peace of Christ?

I like to go to Scripture, because then at least it doesn't depend on me.  Two that I go to all the time: Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

And Psalm 62:1, "My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress I will never be shaken."

There are so many more!  And you know some that have brought you great peace.  And remember, God is putting people in your path that you are uniquely qualified to reach!  It just may be that the Scripture that brings you life and peace will do the same for them.

Oh my.  You are becoming evangelists!

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