Monday, September 23, 2013

Take the Time, Take the Chance

Some men like the fishin'

Some men like the fowlin'

And some men like to hear the cannonballs roarin'

Me, I like preaching,

Especially everything my Lord has done for me

You find unexpected ministry opportunities if you are on the lookout for chances to share Christ. If you are ready to just strike up a Gospel conversation, you may find a great chance to minister. I was visiting someone in the hospital today and as I went upstairs, I noticed a man, a real man, sitting on a bench in the hospital.

When I came back down, he was still there, and I thought he was looking perhaps a little lost. Not like he did not know where he was or where he should be, but like things had become unmoored. So I sat down next to him. I asked how things were.

Not good, he said. He was here with his wife who was getting some “spa treatment” that is sometimes provided for women suffering with cancer, a bright moment in the darkness. I asked him how she was doing. Not good. They have been married about 20 years; it's never long enough.

I asked him if they had a church. I got the evasive answer that when they go, they go to her cousin's church... I asked if he trusted the Lord? Yes, he said with heartfelt conviction and I knew that much was true.

So I knelt down beside him and prayed that they would have the peace of Christ, that they might know that if we have faith in Christ, we live as those who go to die, and we do it triumphantly. I am not sure what else I prayed. When I got back up, there were tears.

There's no time to wait for whatever you think needs to happen before you can ask someone if they know Jesus.

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