Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Priming the Pump

Jessie is working with Tracy Tackett (the fellow helping us get our website moving) to put some downloadable (is that a word?) evangelism tools on the website. In advance of them bieng up there, let me tell you a little bit about what we're trying. We will have some of them available in church on Sunday.

One of the things that I find very quick and easy in faith-sharing is to have some cards with information about the church-- worship times, address, basic info like that. Then, you can easily leave that with your tip at a restaurant (don't tell me it doesn't work—Mary Philips has helped three servers find the Lord this way!), or pass it to someone in line at the grocery store. Or you can give it to a friend who doesn't already have a church home. Or... you get the picture.

What we are hoping, then, is to have a download on the website where you can print off your own cards and have them ready to hand out.

One of the cards is a favorite of mine, a card inviting families to our Children's Ministry. Jessie made a compact little card. When I am out and see a family, or a dad having a special lunch with his kids at McDonald's, I just walk up and briefly say something like, “it's great to see you having so much fun as a family.” Then, as I give them the card, “I'd like to invite you to our church and the great children's ministry we have going on there.” That's pretty much all you have to do. Sometimes there is a conversation that happens. Sometimes not. But it's ok. You get the word out.

I will let you know when we get the downloads up. But in the meantime, pray and prepare your hearts to be more open about your faith. To be ready to just simply cross the space in the store or at work to give a simple invitation to church. And then after praying, you will be ready!

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