Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Importance of Visitation

I want to follow up on that letter Tom Ditto wrote.  He was pastor in the church I serve 50 years ago.  Perhaps you remember that I could point to two couples that I know, and their kids and grandkids, who came to this church because of the visitation Rev. Ditto and members of the congregation did.  I asked Sue Wells, a member who knows a lot about this town and this church.  She took the names and addresses and made a report for me.

From that report, in addition to the two couples I know, Sue noted that at least 8 people became active members.  She had additional information about a number of people who became active to some degree and then others who while they never joined were a strong part of the ministry.  And how about this… there are a number of families who the parents did not come, but the kids did.  And one of those “kids” now has two kids in our youth ministry.

What a great legacy—new members, people exploring the faith, maybe the parents did not come, but some grandkids are here.  Think long-term.  Yes, it is awesome when someone comes to Christ.  But for that to happen on your watch, many others went before you, preparing the ground.  I look at the two grandkids (not using their names because I have not asked permission yet) and I think how important they are in my kids’ lives… to think that an important piece in their accepting Christ last year was something they probably have no clue about: some people from the church visited their grandparents.

I am also humbled by my spiritual fathers.  I have Howard Willen’s robe, Harold Hunter’s stole, and Harold Dorsey’s service book.  And now Tom Ditto’s letter.

I really hope that we are encouraged to reach out to our neighbors. To be serious about visitation! Over and over you hear that it doesn’t work.  Even now, someone is saying, “well, it worked then, but that was the 60s. Times are different. It doesn’t work now.”  Have you tried it?  Consistently? Not one-and-done, but regularly going out with some people, inviting new folks to the church? Inviting people who have been here forever… to come to church?

I have a favor to ask.  A friend of mine, John Wesley Leek, will be leading some visitation work with his church in rural Mississippi.  He has been serious about going out and getting to know the neighbors, helping them to get to know the church.  Will you pray for him and his church?  I bet if we get some prayer power on it, his little church will see great results!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Aaron.

    Some of my folks have even heard me quote (paraphrase) you. :)
